In early November, I received an inquiry on a band photo shoot. Initially I was contacted because of the work I did with Doffs Poi, but the band – Epic Jazz Compilation, which consists of 10 members – also wanted to have a group photo, which I found rather challenging to implement with the small-range analog camera I use for these animated photos.
However, we agreed on single wiggling 3D portraits to be used as facebook profile / cover photos, as well as a professional “standard” group photo, but since I don’t really have access to a studio (and nor would I even know how to use it), plus a merely.. let’s call it basic equipment, I collaborated with my friend Freia, a professional photographer who does not only have expansive knowledge and experience, but also a well-equipped mobile photo studio she can basically set up at any location.
Together we drafted a concept for the photo shoot, the band then quickly found a room we could turn into a pop-up photo studio, aaaaand off we went! And seriously, working with these highly inspired and quirky musicians was pure joy <3
(static photos: © Uta Freia Beer)